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Get to Know SWIVIVA

Our Work Ethos: People Centred, Ethical, Innovative, Knowledgeable and Dogged

Migration laws and regulations are often complicated and can be confusing to the untrained eye. There may be multiple plausible solutions and difficulty in ascertaining the most cost effective and beneficial long term options. Do you feel that you have much to contribute to Australia whether as a temporary or permanent Migrant, but have no idea where to start to make your wishes a reality? SWIVIVA has been providing comprehensive and easy to understand advice to intending migrants to Australia since 2017 and migrants to other countries since 2010. We know how overwhelming the process can be, especially when you are under an enormous amount of stress. This is why our goal primary is to help you ultimately achieve your outcomes.

We are people-centred and take delight in the joy you radiate when we meet or even surpass your expectations. SWIVIVA keeps you in the loop and provides  guidance as you make important decisions regarding your situation, calmly and effectively. With our full retainer offerings, we let you know what is going on at every stage, and explain every detail, so that you are in charge.

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